- Asthma ( 32296059)
- Cardiac hypertrophy ( 21348951)
- Carotid intima media thickness x smoking interaction ( 32117412)
- Cholesterol, total ( 24097068 20686565)
- Electrocardiogram morphology (amplitude at temporal datapoints) ( 32916098)
- HDL cholesterol levels ( 32203549)
- Total cholesterol levels ( 28334899)
- Waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for BMI ( 26426971)
- Waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for BMI (age <50) ( 26426971)
- Waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for BMI (age >50) ( 26426971)
- Waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for BMI x sex x age interaction (4df test) ( 26426971)
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (sporadic) ( 24529757)
- Blond vs. brown/black hair color ( 30531825)
- Body mass index ( 25673413 28448500)
- Body mass index (joint analysis main effects and physical activity interaction) ( 28448500)
- Body mass index in physically active individuals ( 28448500)
- Body size at age 10 ( 32376654)
- Chronotype ( 30696823)
- Coronary artery disease ( 32469254 29212778 24262325 33020668)
- Coronary artery disease (myocardial infarction, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, coronary artery bypass grafting, angina or chromic ischemic heart disease) ( 28714975)
- Coronary heart disease ( 19198612 21378990)
- Diastolic blood pressure ( 27841878)
- Essential hypertension (time to event) ( 32589924)
- Systolic blood pressure ( 27841878)