KIF3A and NEK1

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 14690447)
  • 15



Gene Name kinesin family member 3A NIMA-related kinase 1
Image No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 13 interactors: APP DISC1 GRB2 KIF3B KIF3C LIG4 MAP3K10 MAP3K11 NEK1 PLEKHA5 PPP1R15A RPGR VHL 13 interactors: ATRX CSN2 CTNNAL1 EXOSC4 FEZ1 FEZ2 KIF3A MRE11A PPP2R5A TP53BP1 TSC2 YWHAH ZNF350
Entrez ID 11127 4750
HPRD ID 05250 06847
Ensembl ID ENSG00000131437 ENSG00000137601
Uniprot IDs E9PES4 J3KPF9 Q05CT3 Q9Y496 Q5JXL9 Q96PY6
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
Tagcloud ?
aberrant  activate  advanced  anchorage  axis  benign  biopsies  catenin  causal  ck1  correlate  dvl2  exogenous  gleason  hef1  inactivation  kinesin  mechanistically  mmp9  node  notion  promoted  prostate  rarely  silencing  transactivation  upregulated  upregulation  wnt 
axin  cdk1  crb3  dock7  dsh  ezrin  fip200  gadd34  gsk3  hamartin  herc1  hscp  immunoprecipitate  melted  merlin  moesin  nade  p27kip1  p75ntr  pam  patj  pc1  pp2ac  rabaptin  radixin  rheb  rsk1  tbc7  tuberin 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
aberrant  activate  advanced  anchorage  axis  benign  biopsies  catenin  causal  ck1  correlate  dvl2  exogenous  gleason  hef1  inactivation  kinesin  mechanistically  mmp9  node  notion  promoted  prostate  rarely  silencing  transactivation  upregulated  upregulation  wnt 
axin  cdk1  crb3  dock7  dsh  ezrin  fip200  gadd34  gsk3  hamartin  herc1  hscp  immunoprecipitate  melted  merlin  moesin  nade  p27kip1  p75ntr  pam  patj  pc1  pp2ac  rabaptin  radixin  rheb  rsk1  tbc7  tuberin 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?