- Adult body size ( 32376654)
- Age at first sexual intercourse ( 27089180)
- Alcohol consumption ( 31358974)
- Alcohol consumption (drinks per week) ( 30679032)
- anorexia nervosa, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, bipolar disorder, major depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, or Tourette syndrome (pleiotropy) ( 31835028)
- Apolipoprotein A1 levels ( 32203549)
- Blood protein levels ( 28240269)
- Body mass index (change over time) in cancer ( 28044437)
- Body mass index (change over time) in cancer or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( 28044437)
- Chronotype ( 30696823)
- Depression ( 29700475)
- Hemoglobin levels ( 32327693)
- LDL cholesterol levels ( 32203549)
- Liver enzyme levels (alkaline phosphatase) ( 22001757)
- Low density lipoprotein cholesterol levels ( 31217584)
- Lung function (FVC) ( 30061609)
- Mean reticulocyte volume ( 32888494)
- Morning person ( 30696823)
- Offspring birth weight ( 31043758)
- Refractive error ( 32231278)
- Risk-taking tendency (4-domain principal component model) ( 30643258)
- Serum alkaline phosphatase levels ( 31666285)
- Serum metabolite levels (CMS) ( 31636271)
- Total cholesterol levels ( 31217584)
- Triglyceride levels ( 32203549)
- High light scatter reticulocyte count ( 32888494)
- High light scatter reticulocyte percentage of red cells ( 32888494)
- Response to anti-TNF therapy in rheumatoid arthritis ( 26776603)
- Reticulocyte count ( 32888494)
- Reticulocyte fraction of red cells ( 32888494)