- and DYRK1A

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PubMedID 16733250)
  • 17
  • Data Source:
  • BioGRID (enzymatic study)



Description primary retinal dysplasia dual specificity tyrosine phosphorylation regulated kinase 1A
Image No pdb structure
GO Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
  • HDL cholesterol levels x short total sleep time interaction (2df test) ( 31719535)
  • HIV-1 replication ( 21364930)
  • Metabolic syndrome ( 20694148)
  • Parkinson's disease or first degree relation to individual with Parkinson's disease ( 31701892)
  • Stroke ( 30383316)
Interacting Genes 1 interacting genes: DYRK1A 31 interacting genes: - AMPH APP CCNL2 CLASRP CREB1 EIF2B5 FOXO1 GLI1 H2BC3 H3C1 H4C1 ID2 LATS2 LIN52 MAPT PEA15 PHYHIP PRKN RB1 RBL1 RNF169 SF3B1 SNCA SRSF1 SRSF4 SRSF5 TROAP YWHAB YWHAE YWHAG
Entrez ID 5548 1859
HPRD ID 09018
Ensembl ID ENSG00000157540
Uniprot IDs A0A2R8Y6I6 Q13627
PDB IDs 2VX3 2WO6 3ANQ 3ANR 4AZE 4MQ1 4MQ2 4NCT 4YLJ 4YLK 4YLL 4YU2 5A3X 5A4E 5A4L 5A4Q 5A4T 5A54 5AIK 6A1F 6A1G 6EIF 6EIJ 6EIL 6EIP 6EIQ 6EIR 6EIS 6EIV 6EJ4 6S11 6S14 6S17 6S1B 6S1H 6S1I 6S1J
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
Tagcloud ?
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?