RLN3 and RXFP3

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 22257012)
  • 4
  • Data Source:
  • BioGRID (unspecified method)



Gene Name relaxin 3 relaxin/insulin-like family peptide receptor 3
Image No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 3 interactors: RXFP1 RXFP3 RXFP4 2 interactors: APP RLN3
Entrez ID 117579 51289
HPRD ID 06031 17979
Ensembl ID ENSG00000182631
Uniprot IDs Q8WXF3 Q9NSD7
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
Tagcloud ?
accompanied  activate  cardiogenesis  cardiomyocyte  cardiomyocytes  certain  delivery  dynamic  exogenous  heart  injury  jak1  lost  program  purification  regenerate  regeneration  restricted  ribosome  rln3a  rnas  secreted  spared  stat3  transgenic  translating  trauma  vertebrates  zebrafish 
alcohol  autoradiography  behaviours  dense  discrete  extrahypothalamic  forebrain  hindbrain  histochemistry  hybridisation  hypothalamic  i5  incertus  ingestive  intake  modulating  neuroadaptive  neuropeptides  preferring  projections  r3  radioligand  relaxin  rewarding  seeking  substances  sucrose  voluntary  washout 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
accompanied  activate  cardiogenesis  cardiomyocyte  cardiomyocytes  certain  delivery  dynamic  exogenous  heart  injury  jak1  lost  program  purification  regenerate  regeneration  restricted  ribosome  rln3a  rnas  secreted  spared  stat3  transgenic  translating  trauma  vertebrates  zebrafish 
alcohol  autoradiography  behaviours  dense  discrete  extrahypothalamic  forebrain  hindbrain  histochemistry  hybridisation  hypothalamic  i5  incertus  ingestive  intake  modulating  neuroadaptive  neuropeptides  preferring  projections  r3  radioligand  relaxin  rewarding  seeking  substances  sucrose  voluntary  washout 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?