F12 and MMP12

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PubMedID 10930399)
  • 27
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (in vivo)



Description coagulation factor XII matrix metallopeptidase 12
GO Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Interacting Genes 16 interacting genes: APOH APP CD93 EPAS1 GP1BA HIF1A KLKB1 KRT1 MMP12 MMP13 MMP14 UBE2D1 UBE2D2 UBE2D3 UBE2E1 UBE2N 5 interacting genes: APP F12 LPA PLAUR TFPI
Entrez ID 2161 4321
HPRD ID 01992 03027
Ensembl ID ENSG00000131187 ENSG00000262406
Uniprot IDs P00748 Q8IZZ5 P39900
PDB IDs 4BDW 4BDX 4XDE 4XE4 6B74 6B77 6GT6 6QF7 1JIZ 1JK3 1OS2 1OS9 1RMZ 1ROS 1UTT 1UTZ 1Y93 1YCM 1Z3J 2HU6 2JXY 2K2G 2K9C 2KRJ 2MLR 2MLS 2N8R 2OXU 2OXW 2OXZ 2POJ 2W0D 2WO8 2WO9 2WOA 2Z2D 3BA0 3EHX 3EHY 3F15 3F16 3F17 3F18 3F19 3F1A 3LIK 3LIL 3LIR 3LJG 3LK8 3LKA 3N2U 3N2V 3NX7 3RTS 3RTT 3TS4 3TSK 3UVC 4EFS 4GQL 4GR0 4GR3 4GR8 4GUY 4H30 4H49 4H76 4H84 4I03 4IJO 5CXA 5CZM 5D2B 5D3C 5I0L 5I2Z 5I3M 5I43 5I4O 5L79 5L7F 5LAB 5N5J 5N5K 6EKN 6ELA 6ENM 6EOX
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
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