• Data Source:
  • HPRD (in vivo)



Description phosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 5 phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit gamma
Image No pdb structure
GO Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
  • Atypical femoral fracture in phosphonate treatment ( 31006051)
  • Autoimmune thyroid disease ( 32581359)
  • Eosinophil counts ( 32888494)
  • Eosinophil percentage of white cells ( 32888494)
  • Monocyte percentage of white cells ( 32888494)
Interacting Genes 4 interacting genes: APP PIK3CG SDHB SNX9 22 interacting genes: CD28 EPHA8 GAB1 GRB2 GRK2 GSN HRAS IL6ST KIT KRAS LYN NOTCH1 NRAS PIK3CD PIK3R5 PIK3R6 PTPN11 SEC14L2 SET SMPD2 TPM2 ZNF282
Entrez ID 23533 5294
HPRD ID 11433 03135
Ensembl ID ENSG00000141506 ENSG00000105851
Uniprot IDs J3KSW1 L7RT34 Q8WYR1 A0A024R720 A8K9G9 P48736
PDB IDs 1E8Y 1E8Z 1HE8 2A4Z 2A5U 2CHW 2CHX 2CHZ 2V4L 3APC 3APD 3APF 3CSF 3CST 3DBS 3DPD 3ENE 3IBE 3L08 3L13 3L16 3L17 3L54 3LJ3 3MJW 3ML8 3ML9 3NZS 3NZU 3OAW 3P2B 3PRE 3PRZ 3PS6 3QAQ 3QAR 3QJZ 3QK0 3R7Q 3R7R 3S2A 3SD5 3T8M 3TJP 3TL5 3ZVV 3ZW3 4ANU 4ANV 4ANW 4ANX 4AOF 4DK5 4EZJ 4EZK 4EZL 4F1S 4FA6 4FAD 4FHJ 4FHK 4FJY 4FJZ 4FLH 4FUL 4G11 4GB9 4HLE 4HVB 4J6I 4KZ0 4KZC 4PS3 4PS7 4PS8 4URK 4WWN 4WWO 4WWP 4XX5 4XZ4 5EDS 5G2N 5G55 5JHA 5JHB 5KAE 5OQ4 5T23 6AUD 6C1S 6FH5 6GQ7 6T3B 6T3C 6XRL 6XRM
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
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