Description sortilin related VPS10 domain containing receptor 3
Image No pdb structure
GO Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
  • anorexia nervosa, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, bipolar disorder, major depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, or Tourette syndrome (pleiotropy) ( 31835028)
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ( 30478444)
  • Cognitive ability ( 29186694)
  • Cognitive ability (MTAG) ( 29186694)
  • Cognitive ability, years of educational attainment or schizophrenia (pleiotropy) ( 31374203)
  • Depression ( 29700475)
  • Diabetic kidney disease ( 26305897)
  • Diastolic blood pressure ( 30224653)
  • Feeling miserable ( 29500382)
  • General factor of neuroticism ( 30867560)
  • General risk tolerance (MTAG) ( 30643258)
  • Intelligence (MTAG) ( 29326435)
  • Major depressive disorder ( 27479909)
  • Medication use (calcium channel blockers) ( 31015401)
  • Medication use (diuretics) ( 31015401)
  • Metabolite levels ( 23823483)
  • Mood instability ( 31168069)
  • Multisite chronic pain ( 31194737)
  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease activity score in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease ( 31311600)
  • Rosacea symptom severity ( 29771307)
  • Subclinical trait of interstitial lung disease (basilar percentage of high attenuation areas on CT scan) ( 28521775)
  • Systolic blood pressure ( 30578418)
Novel Interacting Genes 5 novel interacting genes: ACSM6 AZIN1 F8 IDE RGS14
Interacting Genes 2 interacting genes: ATXN1 NGF
Entrez ID 22986
HPRD ID 12100
Ensembl ID ENSG00000156395
Uniprot IDs Q86XB2 Q9UPU3
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
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