S100A1 and CACYBP

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PubMedID 12042313)
  • 33
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (in vivo)



Description S100 calcium binding protein A1 calcyclin binding protein
GO Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Interacting Genes 31 interacting genes: ACTA1 AGER ANXA6 ATP2A2 BEX3 BIK CACYBP CAPZA1 CEP20 DES FKBP4 GFAP GJA1 MDM2 NIF3L1 PGM1 PLB1 PLEKHF2 PLN PPID PYGM REL RYR1 S100A2 S100A3 S100A4 S100B S100P S100Z SYN1 TP53 21 interacting genes: BEX3 CCR2 CD8A EDEM3 ERBB2 FBXO7 HSP90AA1 HSP90B1 MAPK1 NPM1 PEA15 PINX1 PRKCA S100A1 S100A12 S100A6 S100B S100P SIAH1 SIAH2 SKP1
Entrez ID 6271 27101
HPRD ID 01489 07316
Ensembl ID ENSG00000160678 ENSG00000116161
Uniprot IDs A0A0S2Z4H2 P23297 A0A024R904 Q9HB71
PDB IDs 2L0P 2LHL 2LLS 2LLT 2LLU 2LP2 2LP3 2LUX 2M3W 5K89 1X5M 2A25 2A26
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