GTF2H2 and ERCC8

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PubMedID 7664335)
  • 115
  • Data Source:
  • BioGRID (affinity chromatography technology)
  • HPRD (in vitro)



Description general transcription factor IIH subunit 2 ERCC excision repair 8, CSA ubiquitin ligase complex subunit
GO Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
  • Autism spectrum disorder or schizophrenia ( 28540026)
  • Brain morphology (MOSTest) ( 32665545)
  • Cortical surface area (MOSTest) ( 32665545)
  • Subcortical volume (MOSTest) ( 32665545)
Interacting Genes 16 interacting genes: AR CDK7 CWC27 CYP26B1 DNMT3L ERCC2 ERCC3 ERCC8 ERRFI1 GTF2E1 GTF2H1 GTF2H3 GTF2H4 GTF2H5 MNAT1 SRA1 12 interacting genes: ADAMTS6 CAMK2D CBR1 CSNK2B CUL4B DDB1 ERCC6 GTF2H2 RBX1 TOP1 UQCRQ XAB2
Entrez ID 2966 1161
HPRD ID 03450 07523
Ensembl ID ENSG00000145736 ENSG00000049167
Uniprot IDs Q13888 A0A0S2Z3L1 B3KPW7 B4DGZ9 Q13216
PDB IDs 1Z60 5IVW 5IY6 5IY7 5IY8 5IY9 5O85 5OF4 6NMI 6O9L 6O9M 6RO4 4A11 6FCV
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
Tagcloud ?
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?