• Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PubMedID 30619736)
  • 1



Description WW domain containing oxidoreductase SEC23 interacting protein
Image No pdb structure
GO Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
  • Acute graft versus host disease in bone marrow transplantation (recipient effect) ( 27595289)
  • Alzheimer's disease (late onset) ( 30820047)
  • Anorexia nervosa ( 23568457)
  • Bipolar disorder (body mass index interaction) ( 24322204)
  • Brain volume in infants (white matter) ( 28763065)
  • Cardiac structure and function ( 19584346)
  • Clozapine-induced cytotoxicity ( 25656473)
  • Colorectal cancer ( 30529582 29228715)
  • Daytime sleep phenotypes ( 27126917)
  • Diffusing capacity of carbon monoxide ( 30694715)
  • Early-onset Parkinson's disease ( 28256260)
  • Epstein-Barr virus copy number in lymphoblastoid cell lines ( 28654678)
  • Familial squamous cell lung carcinoma ( 29924316)
  • FEV1 ( 30804560)
  • Hip shape (DXA scan) ( 30320955)
  • Idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy ( 29495422)
  • Lung function (forced vital capacity) ( 24929828)
  • Lung function (FVC) ( 30804560)
  • Macular thickness ( 30535121)
  • Metabolite levels ( 23823483)
  • Metabolite levels (5-HIAA) ( 23319000)
  • Molybdenum levels ( 26025379)
  • Multiple sclerosis ( 31604244 24076602)
  • Obesity ( 21552555)
  • Paclitaxel disposition in epithelial ovarian cancer ( 29367611)
  • Peak expiratory flow ( 30804560)
  • Peripheral arterial disease (traffic-related air pollution interaction) ( 27082954)
  • Post bronchodilator FEV1/FVC ratio ( 26634245)
  • Pulmonary function ( 21946350)
  • Pulmonary function (smoking interaction) ( 23284291)
  • Radiation response ( 20923822)
  • Response to amphetamines ( 22952603)
  • Response to antipsychotic treatment in schizophrenia (reasoning) ( 21107309)
  • Response to fenofibrate (HDL cholesterol levels) ( 27002377)
  • Serum thyroid-stimulating hormone levels ( 25436638)
  • Serum uric acid levels in response to allopurinol in gout ( 25676789)
  • Stress sensitivity (neuroticism score x major depressive disorder status interaction) ( 30571770)
  • Systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis ( 27927641)
  • Type 2 diabetes ( 22158537)
  • Venous thromboembolism adjusted for sickle cell variant rs77121243-T ( 28203683)
  • Cerebrospinal fluid clusterin levels ( 26545630)
  • Menarche (age at onset) ( 25231870)
Interacting Genes 25 interacting genes: APBB2 CLNK CPSF2 CPSF7 ERBB4 EZR FIP1L1 HNRNPK HYAL2 LATS1 MAPK8 NUDT21 SCAMP3 SEC23IP SF3B3 SMAD4 SRC TCERG1 TFAP2C TNK2 TP53 TP73 UBB WDR33 WIPF2 5 interacting genes: HSPB11 PCNA POLD4 SSC5D WWOX
Entrez ID 51741 11196
HPRD ID 05501 07152
Ensembl ID ENSG00000186153 ENSG00000107651
Uniprot IDs A0A411HBC7 Q9NZC7 Q9Y6Y8
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
Tagcloud ?
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?