• Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PubMedID 8901832)
  • 4
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (in vitro)



Description proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 5 renin
Image No pdb structure
GO Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
  • Alzheimer's disease progression score ( 29860282)
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (age of onset) ( 22959728)
  • Ankylosing spondylitis ( 30946743)
  • Body fat distribution (leg fat ratio) ( 30664634)
  • Body fat distribution (trunk fat ratio) ( 30664634)
  • Diverticular disease ( 30177863)
  • Glucocorticoid-induced osteonecrosis ( 26265699)
  • Glucose homeostasis traits ( 25524916)
  • Height ( 28552196 20881960 25282103 23563607 31562340)
  • Inflammatory bowel disease ( 27569725)
  • Intraocular pressure ( 29785010 31959993 30054594)
  • LDL cholesterol levels x alcohol consumption (drinkers vs non-drinkers) interaction (2df) ( 30698716)
  • LDL cholesterol levels x alcohol consumption (regular vs non-regular drinkers) interaction (2df) ( 30698716)
  • Lead levels ( 26025379)
  • Male fertility ( 22633400)
  • Metabolite levels (5-HIAA) ( 23319000)
  • Pursuit maintenance gain ( 29064472)
  • Response to fenofibrate (adiponectin levels) ( 23149075)
  • Systemic sclerosis ( 30247649)
  • Takayasu arteritis ( 25604533)
  • Total ventricular volume (Alzheimer's disease interaction) ( 21116278)
  • Vascular brain injury ( 25188341)
  • Waist circumference adjusted for BMI (adjusted for smoking behaviour) ( 28443625)
  • Waist circumference adjusted for BMI (joint analysis main effects and smoking interaction) ( 28443625)
  • Waist circumference adjusted for BMI in non-smokers ( 28443625)
  • Waist circumference adjusted for body mass index ( 25673412)
  • Blood protein levels ( 29875488)
  • Blood protein levels in cardiovascular risk ( 28369058)
  • Response to cognitive-behavioural therapy in anxiety disorder ( 31123309)
Interacting Genes 19 interacting genes: AMH APPBP2 ATN1 CACNA1A GLRX3 ITGA6 KRTAP10-3 KRTAP10-7 KRTAP10-8 KRTAP4-12 KRTAP5-9 LCE3C MEOX2 NOTCH2NLA NUFIP2 PMCH PTPRM REN STK16 9 interacting genes: AGT ATP6AP2 CCDC24 CTSB KCTD15 M6PR PCSK1 PCSK5 RENBP
Entrez ID 5125 5972
HPRD ID 08985 01564
Ensembl ID ENSG00000099139 ENSG00000143839
Uniprot IDs Q92824 P00797
PDB IDs 1BBS 1BIL 1BIM 1HRN 1RNE 2BKS 2BKT 2FS4 2G1N 2G1O 2G1R 2G1S 2G1Y 2G20 2G21 2G22 2G24 2G26 2G27 2I4Q 2IKO 2IKU 2IL2 2REN 2V0Z 2V10 2V11 2V12 2V13 2V16 2X0B 3D91 3G6Z 3G70 3G72 3GW5 3K1W 3KM4 3O9L 3OAD 3OAG 3OOT 3OQF 3OQK 3OWN 3Q3T 3Q4B 3Q5H 3SFC 3VCM 3VSW 3VSX 3VUC 3VYD 3VYE 3VYF 4AMT 4GJ5 4GJ6 4GJ7 4GJ8 4GJ9 4GJA 4GJB 4GJC 4GJD 4PYV 4Q1N 4RYC 4RYG 4RZ1 4S1G 4XX3 4XX4 5KOQ 5KOS 5KOT 5SXN 5SY2 5SY3 5SZ9 5T4S 5TMG 5TMK 5V8V 5VPM 5VRP 6I3F
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
Tagcloud ?
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?