- Cerebrospinal fluid α-synuclein levels ( 29959729)
- Longitudinal change in brain amyloid plaque burden ( 26268530)
- Spatial processing ( 31596458)
- Apolipoprotein A1 levels ( 29084231)
- Cholesterol ester levels in very large HDL ( 29084231)
- Free cholesterol levels in medium HDL ( 29084231)
- HDL cholesterol ( 18193044)
- HDL cholesterol levels ( 30698716)
- HDL cholesterol levels in current drinkers ( 30698716)
- HDL cholesterol levels x alcohol consumption (drinkers vs non-drinkers) interaction (2df) ( 30698716)
- HDL cholesterol levels x alcohol consumption (regular vs non-regular drinkers) interaction (2df) ( 30698716)
- Heschl's gyrus morphology ( 25130324)
- Large HDL particle concentration ( 29084231)
- LDL cholesterol levels in current drinkers ( 30698716)
- LDL cholesterol levels x alcohol consumption (drinkers vs non-drinkers) interaction (2df) ( 30698716)
- LDL cholesterol levels x alcohol consumption (regular vs non-regular drinkers) interaction (2df) ( 30698716)
- Mean diameter of HDL particles ( 29084231)
- Medium HDL particle concentration ( 29084231)
- Phospholipid levels in large HDL ( 29084231)
- Phospholipid levels in medium HDL ( 29084231)
- Response to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in depression ( 27622933)
- Systolic blood pressure x smoking status (current vs non-current) interaction (1df test) ( 29455858)
- Systolic blood pressure x smoking status (current vs non-current) interaction (2df test) ( 29455858)
- Total cholesterol levels in HDL ( 29084231)
- Total cholesterol levels in large HDL ( 29084231)