WNT1 and FZD8

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 15454084)
  • 100
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (in vivo)



Gene Name wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 1 frizzled class receptor 8
Image No pdb structure No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
  • Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis ( 22808956)
  • Periodontal microbiota ( 22699663)
  • Protein quantitative trait loci ( 18464913)
Protein-Protein Interactions 9 interactors: FZD8 FZD9 LRP5 LRP6 PORCN RYK SFRP1 SFRP2 WNT3A 5 interactors: GOPC LRP5 LRP6 RYK WNT1
Entrez ID 7471 8325
HPRD ID 01276 05852
Ensembl ID ENSG00000177283
Uniprot IDs P04628 Q9H461
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
Tagcloud ?
access  acid  breaks  chromosome  cloning  embryonic  experiments  inducible  karyotypes  late  lines  morphologies  morphology  neurogenesis  observing  p19  placed  produced  responsive  resulting  retinoic  see  sequences  transcribed  undifferentiated  useful  variety  wide  would 
aberrant  aberrantly  accessible  bcor  cd127  contributors  covering  cxcl14  fzd5  granulocyte  hes6  hic1  hypermethylated  hypomorphic  island  itpka  leukemic  megakaryocyte  prdm16  preleukemic  progenitors  pu  publicly  robo3  runx1  sca  shortage  tal1  underscoring 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
access  acid  breaks  chromosome  cloning  embryonic  experiments  inducible  karyotypes  late  lines  morphologies  morphology  neurogenesis  observing  p19  placed  produced  responsive  resulting  retinoic  see  sequences  transcribed  undifferentiated  useful  variety  wide  would 
aberrant  aberrantly  accessible  bcor  cd127  contributors  covering  cxcl14  fzd5  granulocyte  hes6  hic1  hypermethylated  hypomorphic  island  itpka  leukemic  megakaryocyte  prdm16  preleukemic  progenitors  pu  publicly  robo3  runx1  sca  shortage  tal1  underscoring 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?