• Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 12127981)
  • 12



Gene Name lactate dehydrogenase D cysteine and glycine-rich protein 3 (cardiac LIM protein)
Image No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
  • Crohn's disease (time to surgery) ( 23665963)
Protein-Protein Interactions 1 interactors: CSRP3 8 interactors: ACTN1 HDAC4 LDHD MYF6 MYOD1 MYOG NHLH1 SPTB
Entrez ID 197257 8048
HPRD ID 06318 07525
Ensembl ID ENSG00000166816 ENSG00000129170
Uniprot IDs Q86WU2 A2TDB8 P50461
PDB IDs 2O10 2O13
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
Tagcloud ?
bacillus  bulgaricus  catalytic  coagulans  comparative  delbrueckii  dsm  encoded  enzymes  explanations  fermentation  glycolate  go  lactic  lactobacillus  ldhl  nldh  optical  optically  oxidase  phases  plantarum  producer  producers  pure  purity  pyruvate  ssp  systematically 
actinin  actn3  anabolic  bout  carp  catabolic  ck  creatine  eccentric  extensions  homozygotes  investigates  legs  mafbx  mrf4  murf  myf5  myod1  myogenin  myostatin  nineteen  protecting  r577x  rcan1  rr  sarcomere  satellite  tended  xx 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
bacillus  bulgaricus  catalytic  coagulans  comparative  delbrueckii  dsm  encoded  enzymes  explanations  fermentation  glycolate  go  lactic  lactobacillus  ldhl  nldh  optical  optically  oxidase  phases  plantarum  producer  producers  pure  purity  pyruvate  ssp  systematically 
actinin  actn3  anabolic  bout  carp  catabolic  ck  creatine  eccentric  extensions  homozygotes  investigates  legs  mafbx  mrf4  murf  myf5  myod1  myogenin  myostatin  nineteen  protecting  r577x  rcan1  rr  sarcomere  satellite  tended  xx 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?