• Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PubMedID 18497260)
  • 945
  • Data Source:
  • BioGRID (affinity chromatography technology, affinity chromatography technology, affinity chromatography technology, pull down, affinity chromatography technology, affinity chromatography technology, affinity chromatography technology, pull down)



Description regulatory associated protein of MTOR complex 1 Ras related GTP binding A
GO Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
  • Airway responsiveness in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( 25514360)
  • anorexia nervosa, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, bipolar disorder, major depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, or Tourette syndrome (pleiotropy) ( 31835028)
  • Bipolar disorder ( 31043756)
  • Body mass index ( 28892062 25673413)
  • Hypertension ( 30487518)
  • Mean arterial pressure ( 30487518)
  • NASH resolution in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis ( 31832568)
  • Obesity ( 23563607)
  • Pulse pressure ( 29403010 30487518)
  • Systolic blood pressure ( 30487518)
Interacting Genes 22 interacting genes: CILK1 DUXAP9 EIF4EBP1 IRS1 IRS2 LINC00839 MAPK1 MAPK3 MARK4 MLST8 MTOR NRBF2 PLD2 PRKAA1 PRKAA2 RAP1B RHEB RPS6KA1 RPS6KB1 RRAGA RRAGB WIPI2 5 interacting genes: IL7R NOL8 RNF152 RPTOR RRAGC
Entrez ID 57521 10670
HPRD ID 06184 10205
Ensembl ID ENSG00000141564 ENSG00000155876
Uniprot IDs Q6DKI0 Q8N122 Q7L523
PDB IDs 5H64 6BCU 6BCX 6SB0 6SB2 6U62 5X6V 6CES 6EHR 6NZD 6S6A 6S6D 6SB0 6SB2 6U62 6ULG
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
Tagcloud ?
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?