H3-3B and HIRA

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PubMedID 9731536)
  • 35
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (two hybrid, in vitro)



Description H3.3 histone B histone cell cycle regulator
GO Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
  • Cognitive decline rate in late mild cognitive impairment ( 26252872)
Interacting Genes 7 interacting genes: CARM1 EHMT2 ESR1 FBXO7 HIRA KAT5 RNF8 14 interacting genes: ASF1A CCNA2 CDK2 H2BC12 H2BC21 H2BC5 H3-3B HIRIP3 HNRNPD NFU1 OGT PAX7 UBE2I UPF1
Entrez ID 3021 7290
HPRD ID 03036 02583
Ensembl ID ENSG00000132475 ENSG00000100084
Uniprot IDs B2R4P9 P84243 P54198
PDB IDs 2L43 3ASK 3ASL 3AV2 3JVK 3MUK 3MUL 3QL9 3QLA 3QLC 3WTP 4GNE 4GNF 4GNG 4GU0 4GUR 4GUS 4GY5 4H9N 4H9O 4H9P 4H9Q 4H9R 4H9S 4HGA 4L58 4N4I 4O62 4QQ4 4TMP 4U7T 4W5A 5B32 5B33 5BNV 5BNX 5DWQ 5DX0 5JA4 5JJY 5JLB 5KDM 5X7X 6A5L 6A5O 6A5P 6A5R 6A5T 6A5U 6HGT 6INQ 6IR9 6J4W 6J4X 6J4Y 6J4Z 6J50 6J51 6QXZ 6R0C 6RNY 6U04 2I32 5YJE
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