RIBC2 and RPL18A

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PubMedID 16169070)
  • 820



Description RIB43A domain with coiled-coils 2 ribosomal protein L18a
Image No pdb structure
GO Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Interacting Genes 23 interacting genes: AP2B1 BEGAIN CCDC85B EFEMP2 GFAP GTPBP3 HOOK2 JUP KRT15 MTUS2 NINL NRBP1 PJA1 RAD54B RPL18A SARAF TEX11 TRAF2 TREX1 TRIM23 TRIM37 USHBP1 VIM 10 interacting genes: JUN LPL MAP3K12 MDK NEDD4 RIBC2 RNF115 RPL36 TLE5 TNK2
Entrez ID 26150 6142
HPRD ID 11493 16045
Ensembl ID ENSG00000128408 ENSG00000105640
Uniprot IDs Q9H4K1 Q02543
PDB IDs 4UG0 4V6X 5AJ0 5LKS 5T2C 6EK0 6IP5 6IP6 6IP8 6OLE 6OLF 6OLG 6OLI 6OLZ 6OM0 6OM7 6QZP
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
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