AOC1 and DAO

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PubMedID 8195119)
  • 1
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (in vivo)



Description amine oxidase copper containing 1 D-amino acid oxidase
GO Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
  • Anthropometric traits (multi-trait analysis) ( 30166351)
  • Blood protein levels ( 30072576)
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome ( 30833571)
  • Eyebrow thickness ( 26926045)
  • HDL cholesterol ( 30275531)
  • Serum metabolite concentrations in chronic kidney disease ( 29545352)
  • Triglycerides ( 30275531)
  • Type 2 diabetes ( 30297969)
  • Urinary metabolite levels in chronic kidney disease ( 31959995)
  • Nicotine dependence and major depression (severity of comorbidity) ( 30287806)
Interacting Genes 4 interacting genes: CYB561A3 DAO DNM2 FGD1 5 interacting genes: AOC1 DAOA EP300 PEX5 PRKAB2
Entrez ID 26 1610
HPRD ID 00088 15917
Ensembl ID ENSG00000002726 ENSG00000110887
Uniprot IDs P19801 A0A024RBI1 P14920
PDB IDs 3HI7 3HIG 3HII 3K5T 3MPH 2DU8 2E48 2E49 2E4A 2E82 2GNZ 3CUK 3G3E 3W4I 3W4J 3W4K 3ZNN 3ZNO 3ZNP 3ZNQ 4QFC 4QFD 5ZJ9 5ZJA
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