COL4A3 and USH2A

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PubMedID 14676276)
  • 16
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (in vivo)



Description collagen type IV alpha 3 chain usherin
Image No pdb structure
GO Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
  • Advanced age-related macular degeneration ( 26691988)
  • Central corneal thickness ( 31798171 29760442)
  • Corneal structure ( 23291589)
  • Diabetic nephropathy in type 1 diabetes ( 31537649)
  • Hematuria ( 30476138)
  • Hematuria (moderate to severe) ( 30476138)
  • Intraocular pressure ( 29235454)
  • Kidney disease (end stage renal disease or albuminuria) in type 1 diabetes ( 31537649)
  • Kidney disease (reduced eGFR and albuminuria or end stage renal disease) in type 1 diabetes ( 31537649)
  • Macroalbuminuria in type 1 diabetes ( 31537649)
  • Macular thickness ( 30535121)
  • Metabolite levels (5-HIAA/ MHPG Ratio) ( 23319000)
  • Resting heart rate ( 27798624)
  • Birth weight ( 31043758)
  • Chronic mucus hypersecretion ( 25234806)
  • Prepulse inhibition of the startle response ( 31596458)
Interacting Genes 17 interacting genes: ANTXR2 APP CAMK2B CD93 CERT1 DCN FBLN2 FN1 HABP2 MATN2 MFAP2 MMP9 OSM SAA1 SERPINE2 TGFBI USH2A 5 interacting genes: BRCA1 COL4A3 KRT18 MARK1 POFUT1
Entrez ID 1285 7399
HPRD ID 00354 09759
Ensembl ID ENSG00000169031 ENSG00000042781
Uniprot IDs Q01955 O75445
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
Tagcloud ?
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?