CLDN1 and CD69

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PubMedID 32296183)
  • 86
  • Data Source:
  • BioGRID (two hybrid)



Description claudin 1 CD69 molecule
Image No pdb structure
GO Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
  • Optic disc size ( 31809533)
  • Response to antipsychotic treatment in schizophrenia (working memory) ( 21107309)
Interacting Genes 18 interacting genes: BRD4 CD69 CD79A CLDN3 DRG1 FNDC9 LNX1 MMP14 MMP2 MPDZ MS4A3 PATJ TJP1 TJP2 TJP3 TMEM179B TMEM9 WNK4 14 interacting genes: ATP6V0C BRICD5 CLDN1 EBP MAL NINJ2 PMP22 RPRM SLC35B2 SMARCB1 STRIT1 TMEM190 TSPO2 UPK1B
Entrez ID 9076 969
HPRD ID 04760 00119
Ensembl ID ENSG00000163347 ENSG00000110848
Uniprot IDs A5JSJ9 O95832 Q07108 Q53ZX0
PDB IDs 1E87 1E8I 1FM5 3CCK 3HUP
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
Tagcloud ?
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?