CD274 and PDCD1

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PubMedID 12719480)
  • 90
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (in vivo)



Description CD274 molecule programmed cell death 1
GO Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Interacting Genes 6 interacting genes: CD80 COPS5 CREB1 OTUB1 PDCD1 VLDLR 5 interacting genes: CD274 COPS8 MCL1 OR6B3 PDCD1LG2
Entrez ID 29126 5133
HPRD ID 05655 02590
Ensembl ID ENSG00000120217 ENSG00000188389
Uniprot IDs Q0GN75 Q9NZQ7 A0A0M3M0G7 Q15116
PDB IDs 3BIK 3BIS 3FN3 3SBW 4Z18 4ZQK 5C3T 5GGT 5GRJ 5IUS 5J89 5J8O 5JDR 5JDS 5N2D 5N2F 5NIU 5O45 5O4Y 5X8L 5X8M 5XJ4 5XXY 6L8R 6NM7 6NM8 6NNV 6NOJ 6NOS 6NP9 6PV9 6R3K 6RPG 6VQN 6YCR 2M2D 3RRQ 4ZQK 5B8C 5GGR 5GGS 5IUS 5JXE 5WT9 6HIG 6J14 6J15 6JBT 6JJP 6K0Y 6R5G 6ROY 6ROZ 6UMT 6UMU 6UMV 6XKR 7BXA 7CU5
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