AKAP6 and RYR1

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PubMedID 11590243)
  • 49



Description A-kinase anchoring protein 6 ryanodine receptor 1
Image No pdb structure No pdb structure
GO Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
  • Anorexia nervosa ( 21079607)
  • anorexia nervosa, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, bipolar disorder, major depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, or Tourette syndrome (pleiotropy) ( 31835028)
  • Asthma ( 29273806)
  • Atrial fibrillation ( 30061737 29892015)
  • Bipolar disorder ( 31043756)
  • Body mass index ( 28892062 25673413 29273807 28448500)
  • Body mass index (joint analysis main effects and physical activity interaction) ( 28448500)
  • Body mass index in physically active individuals ( 28448500)
  • Coffee consumption ( 31046077)
  • Cognitive ability, years of educational attainment or schizophrenia (pleiotropy) ( 31374203)
  • Cognitive function ( 25644384)
  • Creatine kinase levels ( 29403010)
  • Diisocyanate-induced asthma ( 25918132)
  • Economic and political preferences (environmentalism) ( 22566634)
  • Fasting blood insulin (BMI interaction) ( 22581228)
  • General cognitive ability ( 29844566)
  • Glioma ( 28346443)
  • Intelligence (MTAG) ( 29326435)
  • Night sleep phenotypes ( 27126917)
  • Non-glioblastoma glioma ( 28346443)
  • Photic sneeze reflex ( 27182965)
  • Schizophrenia ( 28991256 30285260)
  • Spherical equivalent or myopia (age of diagnosis) ( 29808027)
  • Type 2 diabetes ( 30297969)
  • Abstraction and mental flexibility ( 31596458)
  • Basophil percentage of granulocytes ( 27863252)
  • Basophil percentage of white cells ( 27863252)
  • Diisocyanate-induced asthma ( 25918132)
  • Peanut allergy (parent-of-origin effect) ( 29489655)
  • White blood cell count (basophil) ( 27863252)
Interacting Genes 9 interacting genes: CALM1 CDC5L DISC1 DTNBP1 PDE4D PPP2CA PRKAR2A RYR1 RYR2 16 interacting genes: AKAP6 ANK1 CACNA1S CALM1 CAMK2G CAV3 FKBP1A HOMER1 HOMER2 HOMER3 MTDH PRKACA PRKG1 RYR2 S100A1 TRDN
Entrez ID 9472 6261
HPRD ID 05257 01618
Ensembl ID ENSG00000151320 ENSG00000196218
Uniprot IDs B2RP22 Q13023 P21817
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
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