GP1BA and F11

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PubMedID 11696542)
  • 9
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (in vitro)



Description glycoprotein Ib platelet subunit alpha coagulation factor XI
GO Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Interacting Genes 17 interacting genes: CTSG DDIT3 F11 F12 F2 FLNA FLNB GP5 GP9 ITGAM KNG1 OSGEP PIK3R1 SELP TPST1 VWF YWHAZ 8 interacting genes: DNAJC19 F2 GP1BA HGF KNG1 SERPINA5 SERPINF2 TFPI2
Entrez ID 2811 2160
HPRD ID 01976 07524
Ensembl ID ENSG00000185245 ENSG00000088926
Uniprot IDs L7UYB8 P07359 P03951
PDB IDs 1GWB 1K13 1M0Z 1M10 1OOK 1P8V 1P9A 1QYY 1SQ0 1U0N 2BP3 3P72 3PMH 4C2A 4C2B 4CH2 4CH8 4MGX 4YR6 1XX9 1XXD 1XXF 1ZHM 1ZHP 1ZHR 1ZJD 1ZLR 1ZMJ 1ZML 1ZMN 1ZOM 1ZPB 1ZPC 1ZPZ 1ZRK 1ZSJ 1ZSK 1ZSL 1ZTJ 1ZTK 1ZTL 2F83 2FDA 2J8J 2J8L 3BG8 3SOR 3SOS 4CR5 4CR9 4CRA 4CRB 4CRC 4CRD 4CRE 4CRF 4CRG 4D76 4D7F 4D7G 4NA7 4NA8 4TY6 4TY7 4WXI 4X6M 4X6N 4X6O 4X6P 4Y8X 4Y8Y 4Y8Z 5E2O 5E2P 5EOD 5EOK 5EXL 5EXM 5EXN 5I25 5Q0D 5Q0E 5Q0F 5Q0G 5Q0H 5QCK 5QCL 5QCM 5QCN 5QQO 5QQP 5TKS 5TKT 5TKU 5WB6 6AOD 6C0S 6HHC 6I58 6R8X
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