FABP4 and ACP1

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PubMedID 1304913)
  • 6
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (in vitro)



Description fatty acid binding protein 4 acid phosphatase 1
GO Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Interacting Genes 8 interacting genes: ACP1 ACTB CHD3 INSR LIPE PRKCI VIM ZBED1 16 interacting genes: BARD1 CTNNB1 EPHA2 EPHB1 EPHB2 FABP4 FNBP1L FYN INSR KDR LCK MRPL20 OS9 SFMBT1 SPTAN1 ZAP70
Entrez ID 2167 52
HPRD ID 02698 08881
Ensembl ID ENSG00000170323 ENSG00000143727
Uniprot IDs E7DVW4 P15090 A0A140VK37 P24666 Q59EH3
PDB IDs 1TOU 1TOW 2HNX 2NNQ 3FR2 3FR4 3FR5 3P6C 3P6D 3P6E 3P6F 3P6G 3P6H 3Q6L 3RZY 4NNS 4NNT 5D45 5D47 5D48 5D4A 5EDB 5EDC 5HZ6 5HZ8 5Y0F 5Y0G 5Y0X 5Y12 5Y13 6AYL 1XWW 3N8I 4Z99 4Z9A 4Z9B 5JNR 5JNS 5JNT 5KQG 5KQL 5KQM 5KQP 5PNT
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
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