Description potassium inwardly rectifying channel subfamily J member 3
Image No pdb structure
GO Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
  • Age at voice drop ( 27182965)
  • Alcoholic chronic pancreatitis ( 28754779)
  • Automobile speeding propensity ( 30643258)
  • Dentures ( 31235808)
  • Disease progression in age-related macular degeneration (adjusted for baseline) ( 29346644)
  • Feeling miserable ( 29500382)
  • General cognitive ability ( 29844566)
  • Leisure-time exercise behaviour ( 30102679)
  • Leisure-time exercise behaviour (age-stratified) ( 30102679)
  • Lung function (FEV1/FVC) ( 30061609)
  • Metabolite levels ( 23823483)
  • Number of decayed, missing and filled tooth surfaces or use of dentures ( 31235808)
  • Risk-taking tendency (4-domain principal component model) ( 30643258)
  • Rosacea symptom severity ( 29771307)
  • Smoking initiation ( 30617275)
  • Smoking initiation (ever regular vs never regular) ( 30679032)
  • Smoking status (ever vs never smokers) ( 30643258)
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus ( 24871463)
Interacting Genes 4 interacting genes: GNB1 KCNJ5 KCNJ6 KCNJ9
Entrez ID 3760
HPRD ID 03323
Ensembl ID ENSG00000162989
Uniprot IDs D2X9V0 D2XBF0 P48549
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
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