Description forkhead box L1
Image No pdb structure
GO Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
  • Bone mineral density ( 24249740)
  • Bone mineral density (hip) ( 19801982)
  • Bone mineral density (spine) ( 19801982)
  • Bone properties (heel) ( 24430505)
  • Colorectal cancer ( 25990418)
  • Colorectal cancer or advanced adenoma ( 30510241)
  • Dentures ( 31235808)
  • Diverticular disease ( 30177863)
  • Femoral neck bone mineral density ( 29499414 22504420)
  • Incident myocardial infarction ( 26950853)
  • Lateral ventricular volume in normal aging ( 30258056)
  • Lumbar spine bone mineral density ( 29499414)
  • Mild to moderate chronic kidney disease ( 31178898)
  • Multiple system atrophy ( 27629089)
  • Nonsyndromic cleft palate ( 31609978)
  • Nose size ( 27182965)
  • Number of decayed, missing and filled tooth surfaces or use of dentures ( 31235808)
  • Obesity-related traits ( 23251661)
  • Possible neuropathic pain in post total joint replacement surgery for osteoarthritis ( 28051079)
  • Sepsis in extremely premature infants ( 28283553)
  • Systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis ( 27927641)
Interacting Genes 1 interacting genes: BMPR2
Entrez ID 2300
HPRD ID 07219
Ensembl ID ENSG00000176678
Uniprot IDs Q12952 Q498Y4
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
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