Description ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 10
Image No pdb structure
GO Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
  • Anthropometric traits ( 30166351)
  • Anthropometric traits (multi-trait analysis) ( 30166351)
  • Asthma ( 30929738)
  • Asthma (childhood onset) ( 30929738)
  • Atopic dermatitis ( 26482879)
  • Body fat distribution (arm fat ratio) ( 30664634)
  • Body fat distribution (leg fat ratio) ( 30664634)
  • Body fat distribution (trunk fat ratio) ( 30664634)
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome ( 30833571)
  • Height ( 28552196 20881960 25282103 18391951)
  • Itch intensity from mosquito bite ( 28199695)
  • Itch intensity from mosquito bite adjusted by bite size ( 28199695)
  • Resting metabolic rate ( 28476931)
  • Tonsillectomy ( 27182965 28928442)
  • Waist circumference adjusted for BMI (adjusted for smoking behaviour) ( 28443625)
  • Waist circumference adjusted for BMI (joint analysis main effects and smoking interaction) ( 28443625)
  • Waist circumference adjusted for BMI in non-smokers ( 28443625)
  • Waist circumference adjusted for body mass index ( 25673412)
Interacting Genes 7 interacting genes: ANXA7 CDKN1A HMGCL LAMTOR3 PCYT2 SMN1 TK1
Entrez ID 81794
HPRD ID 07470
Ensembl ID ENSG00000142303
Uniprot IDs A0A0A0MQW6 Q59FE5 Q6ZN14 Q9H324
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
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